Spoking Polls Studies

Market studies, NPS, customer feedback, marketing surveys …

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Our latest studies

Our methodologies

100% assistance in defining the questionnaire

Even if our tools allow a considerable saving of time and a great automation of the study processes, we spend time listening to your needs, asking you about your problems in order to define the best questionnaire.

Gillen Gamiochipi
Studies Director

A multichannel approach to studies

Depending on the people we interview and the subject, we select the most suitable channel to create the most fluid conversation experience: smart survey, virtual assistant, telephone reminder, confidential question…

L'animation de bases de répondants spécifiques

Depending on your study themes, we have different partnerships on the bases (Opinionway, Magileads, DigitalCMO …) which allow us to interview the best profiles, by offering you a prior selection of the samples interviewed.

Conversational AI

For some studies, we suggest integrating specific algorithms or conversational AI that will increase response rates and the quality of responses.

The studies we conduct

BtoB survey

Equipment intention, lead, project types

BtoC survey

Digital journey surveys, validation of CRM data, validation of panel type data

Market research

New products, partner search

NPS, Client feedback

NPS, customer feedback

They trust us

Option finance
Mitel OK
Lexmark OK
Easyteam OK
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“Studies are more than ever part of the tools to decipher the weak signals of emerging trends. In all social and collective fields, these are the signals that must be picked up first to anticipate crises and opportunities to come.”

Robert Zarader
Agence EquancyCo
“Through our seminars and meetings, we see with our members that feedback clients and trend analysis once again became key after this Covid-19 crisis. Studies are essential tools for the months to come.”

Sophie de Ménibus
Communication and Events Manager – Adetem
“In our BtoB and Tech sectors, it is essential to be able to constantly innovate in order to have the best sources of information on our clients’ investment intentions. Studies are among these necessary tools, especially if we can link their results to our CRM and ABM strategies. ”

Jean Denis Garo
Mitel Southern Europe Marketing Director, CMIT President

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