Our values

All companies, and in particular SMEs / SMIs, must now integrate other criteria for valuing their activities than their financial results. Some companies have started to integrate intangible assets in fields corresponding to the values of an economy, post Covid-19, in full renewal.

Spoking Polls integrates these values at three levels:

  • the valuation of client capital,
  • the development of talent capital
  • the social and environmental impact of our solutions

Enhance customer capital

Spoking Polls helps companies, especially SMEs / SMIs, to assess their maturity towards customers and to identify improvement strategies that will make measured customer assets a real element of their valuation in the long term.

Developing talents for sustainable marketing

Our innovative solutions are primarily designed as tools for talent and training in companies. Developed with a concern for simplicity, they offer everyone the possibility of being a player in sustainable marketing. Our solutions are also designed to make corporate talents the real actors in their actions. The service we provide is designed as an assistance but also as an aid to action while respecting the values of sustainable marketing. For example, our solutions can integrate the fact of not soliciting customers after certain hours, certain days or certain exogenous events. This is the guarantee of training in sustainable marketing and the consent sought by companies vis-à-vis their customers.

The social and environmental impact of our solutions

Even as a publisher of dematerialized SaaS solutions, we are aware of the impact we have on the climate through our actions. In terms of our solutions, we have chosen sobriety in terms of the impact of our tools. Our infrastructure is based on database and cloud technologies that limit the consumption of the servers we use. We do not market our solutions according to the number of emails sent but according to the personalization objectives that you have in order to limit the digital pressure.

Ils nous font confiance

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